Gotta love my family

So just got back from NYC and man was it hot. I forgot all about that stuff called humidity. Nothing like taking a shower just to feel wet after drying
It was great even though I didn't get the chance to hang or see any of my friends at least I got to see the fam. Unfortunately my grandfather passed away so I had to do the whole wake and funeral thing but these are things that are apart of life. Why is it that it takes a death to bring family together. I really love and enjoy my family. Every year the whole fam gets together at my aunts for X-mas and Thanksgiving is alternated every year. I don't understand how families don't get along. I couldn't do that. Somewhere we need to get back to that. Family is the most important thing we have. Now I know some of us have some family members we wished never showed up but no matter what there are other family members that need the bond of a family. So I just want to encourage all to do your best to stay in contact with those who you know will have your back and be true family


  1. Beautiful post.

    It was great to see your Family during this Hot & humid summer in NY, It was WONDERFUL to witness your entire Family during Christmas last year, your Mother's & Father's Family all together in one house, THAT WAS FUN!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for playing...
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    Great way to get MORE FOLLOWERS to ALL of your sites ;)...
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  3. I agree so much with you about family. We do need to get along and see each other, more than at funerals.

  4. Tag, you're it!
    Thanks for playing ;)

  5. I totally agree with you. Somewhere along the line family values have been put down somewhere. The same as family tradition.

    I come from a huge family, my mum is one of 8 and you would think they all get along. Not at all. I personally get on with everyone, simply because I live my own life. I have my immediate family around me and I am polite to the rest. I think families don't get along because they maybe over step their marks and invade (or meddle) in other spaces.

    Our family don't even get together for funerals these days, weddings, or christanings. Shame. But I also think that when the main characters are taken out of the picture, for example, my nan. Then the family can break down too.

    I hope you have a wonderful day, I found you via NNF and I shall be adding you to my rss feed.

  6. Hi

    I'm a new follower...your blog is would be great if you could follow back at


  7. Hey there new follower...a Jersey girl here...I love that you are into others being happy...shows you are not selfish...that's great...And I hear you about the humidity...been here all my life of 39 years and I still can't stand it...take care hope you follow back...Kat...

  8. Amen to your blog about families!
    Hi..following from bloghop...would love to have you follow back!

  9. Hello! I just found your blog through the sunday blog hop! Have a great day.

  10. Great Blog you got there.. I came from Relax and Surf Sunday and following you via GFC now. Would love a follow back at Happy Sunday Melanie

  11. Following you now. Love the blog. You can post your blog on my blog hop too if you want.
